Elegantie is niet altijd politiek correct

15-08-2016 11:41

Er ontspruiten mij dagelijks al jaren plannen en wilde ideeën. Vandaag bedacht ik, turend naar mijn kledingkast, dat het kostuum van Kim Jong Un me wellicht goed zou staan. Dus stuurde ik de man een briefje, want zijn adres staat gewoon op internet. Handig.  

Dear Mr. Chairman,

I sign to you with a fun idea. Not from a political perspective, because who am I to interfere in matters that do not concern me, but from a personal and business perspective. I aspire namely for years your typical uniform to wear on special occasions. And while I thought about that I was thinking that it might be a brilliant idea to bring this elegant sobriety design into the European market, just as the Arafat scarf and Ché's beret was worn by millions.
I think there is a serious market for it and could also give you and your country a interesting Cult Status. But most of all I like one myself in EU size 52.

Looking very much forward to your reply, I send you my atmost regards,

Mocht Kim mijn brief beantwoorden laat ik het direct weten. Nu op naar de brievenbus.